Variety Testing Software

Software for Plant Breeding and Variety Testing from

Agronomix Software

We offer a complete solution for all stages of variety testing - from data management and trial creation to field plans, statistical analyses, selection decisions and final reports.

From our interaction with variety testers since 1990, we have developed specific tools for field and row, forage, grass, vegetable, horticultural, annual and perennial crops. Experimental designs range from simple strip or non-replicated tests to replicated generalized lattices, with all the analytics. Our spatial analyses will estimate and remove the confounding effects of actual field trends to determine the most likely genetic ranking of varieties and thus the most optimal selection and promotion decisions. A set of tools and analyses for genotype x environment interactions, Head-to-Head analyses with curvilinear graphs, relative varietal performance, data visualization and more help to identify superior varieties and hybrids across environments and years.

Our data link to open-source R offers additional analytics. Digital images of plots, genotypes and experiments can be stored and linked with data – especially appreciated by vegetable and horticultural trials researchers. Split plot and other factorial designs support research for best agronomic practices for a variety – row spacing, planting density, fertilizers and more. Conduct your variety trials with greater confidence.

Scientist in sunflower field

Release the most superior, profitable hybrids or varieties using all of your data to maximum advantage, for the success for your organization.